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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Last few hunts and Pocket Chage

Well, not much to write home about from camp swampy woods, but these are my finds from hunts in September.

I also got this in pocket change the other night from a Grocery Store. 24k plated texas Quarter (part of a Philadelphia Mint set...Scooooooooooore!

Happy Hunting and mind the Ticks,

Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's Been a hard year

Been out a few times in the last month or so, but just have not found anything really exciting. The dry summer and my depression of late have not been productive for detecting. Our spots are drying up, and it is difficult to find new ones. I am considering knocking on doors and getting permissions to hunt private properties. My only other alternative is to do day trips. get up early in the morning, travel to parts unknown and hunt till dark before returning home.
We shall see what the future brings...

Happy Hunting,

Friday, September 23, 2016

Fall Season is upon us

Fall is here, temps are cooling, and it is time to get back out there and dig up them sweet silver and gold finds... It has been getting harder for me each year, as old age is setting in slowly. I am also WAY out of shape this year. I was doing good for a while, then with the recent events of my school, I became depressed, and when I am depressed, I eat...

Monday, July 4, 2016

I have been cursed for life!

Well, I went and did it...
I have cursed myself for the rest of existence...
I saw the yellow shining and my heart skipped a beat, but as I leaned down to pick this up...
My stomach began to turn...
I have been cursed...
The Giant Mother of Rat Tokens!!!
This thing is about 2 1/2" in diameter

Oh mighty Detecting God...Have mercy on me,


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Still alive, but not out much lately.

Between School, not having a vehicle, and life right now, I have not been out in a long while. Perhaps it is good to give it a rest for a while. Maybe it will bring back the thrill of the finds when I decide to return to digging. When the weather has been good, it has been too humid, otherwise it has been dark and looks like is going to rain.. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it don't. Ground is extremely dry at this time and I do not like digging in it anyway when it crumbles. Will keep you posted if I get back out again.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Trying new Settings on the e-Trac

I opened quickmask and moved the cursor to the right until I saw 6, and then up until I saw 32. This gave me a mostly open screen, only eliminating iron and foil trash. it works well in spots where there is not a lot of junk, but you know there may be coins among iron, bottle caps, or screw-caps. The park I was at is one of these parks. I encountered spots where there was a LOT of ear candy, but mostly the hunt was quiet. I have the machine set up so that it will scream on anything above a penny (really high pitched). It stops you in your tracks, and that is exactly what I want. Here was the days haul...1 Merc dime (1935), 3 wheats (1916, 42D, 53D) and $3.62 in change. a warm enjoyable day. First time I could wear shorts this year.

Happy Hunting,

P.S. Already got poison oak...Also the ticks are nasty up here this year...stay safe.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

First Hunt of 2016

I finally got the time and the weather to get out and give it a go.  I was confined to my local spots as I did not have a partner today or a ride. I chose a small field near a school I have hammered over the past 8 years. This place still gives up the goods and surprises the heck out of me. The silver must be nearly gone, but I managed to get a 1942 Merc today. The silver ring with the heart is Pandora (marked 925 ALE 60) and sold new for about $100. Seriously ladies... You are OVER paying. This ring was an eyeball find from February as I got off my bus returning to school. The other ring is also .925 and has seen better days. It was found on the same hunt as the clad on the left side of the scan. The clad on the right side of the scan was also eyeballed along the curb strip on my way home from the hunt. Must have came out of someones pocket while they fumbled for the car keys.


Monday, March 21, 2016

About time to get back in the "swing" of things again...

It has either been too cold or too wet to get out. That or I have had school work to do...I hope to get out next weekend if I can. probably will not find much, as I am restricted to local hunting. We will give it a shot though if able...