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Monday, June 18, 2012

A grueling hike in the woods

Well, a new hunter and friend made the 1 hour drive North to visit me for a Sunday hunt.  We headed for a wooded area that was a little hard to find, as it was just a small pull-off on the side of the road with 1 path leadeing into the woods.  As we hiked in, the path was covered with crushed rocks, that were hell on the feet.  This had to last for nearly 3/4 of a mile...We must have hiked 1 1/2-2 miles in and out...I wanted to stone whoever put the rocks on the path with every stone I walked on...My dogs were dogged dog!!! 
We did find about 4 or 5 cellar holes and foundations to a larger building...Very cool, this was all large stacked rocks mostly.  Was like looking at the pyramids in Egypt.  We came out on the far side of the woods and chatted with a local resident who told us where some of the better sites in the woods could be found...We were at the site of an old Limestone Quarry and munitions factory that was in operation durring WWI I guess up to 1914 when it caught fire and exploded, killing 53 men....The old rock crusher is a site to behold...It is enormous!
The finds for the day were meager, with not one coin found (except a modern quarter found by a campfire ring by my new friend).  I think we found the dump site for the area and found a lot of cool bottles, old oil cans,  and a tobacco tin.
other finds were railroad spikes from the trolly tracks that serviced the site, and square nails around the foundations we discovered.

This is my "Blood Stone", as it looks like milky quartz soaked with blood...kinda cool!

Any info on the dates for the white glass vials is greatly appreciated.  I think they were face cream vials, but no names on the bottles.

Happy Hunting, and stay safe out there,

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